The Committee to Elect Ann pd Gleason
$2,447Total Contributions
$6,052Total Expenditures
Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$610.00 | Ann Powell Dewart Gleason |
$400.00 | Democratic Party of Bulloch County |
$300.00 | Ann PD Gleason |
$268.23 | Comm to Reelect Sc Nelson |
$250.00 | Anthony Wolbarst |
$250.00 | Fair Fight Inc PAC |
$250.00 | Walter Wright |
$119.00 | Ann Powell Dewart Gleason |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$1,714.00 | Postcard Mania |
$1,105.00 | Best Print and Design |
$1,100.00 | John Noel |
$635.00 | Canva |
$629.80 | Best of Signs |
$268.23 | Kessler Creative |
$268.23 | Kessler Creative LLC |
$200.00 | Ann Powell Dewart Gleason |
$132.00 | wixcom Inc |
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