Doug Roelofsen
$1,105Total Contributions
$1,105Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$455.00 | Name Not Provided |
$200.00 | Gary Berkland |
$100.00 | Bart Saylor |
$100.00 | Sandy Steenblock |
$100.00 | Stephen McLaughlin |
$50.00 | D Dye Don |
$50.00 | Fonda Thompaen |
$25.00 | Dona Cleveland |
$25.00 | S Carlyle Darrel |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$731.20 | Psi |
$193.80 | Wright County Monitor |
$180.00 | Belmond Independent |
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