Jaime Secory
$2,984Total Contributions
$2,619Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$700.00 | Jaime Secory |
$374.00 | Unitemized Contributions |
$300.00 | Stacey Willey |
$150.00 | Annie Reynolds |
$100.00 | Abby Snyder |
$100.00 | Brooke Galinsky |
$100.00 | David Edelstein |
$100.00 | Erin London |
$100.00 | Joseph Carrington |
$100.00 | Katy Hildman |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$1,316.81 | Jaime Secory |
$1,302.19 | Victory Enterprises Inc |
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