Jeremy True

$174,820Total Contributions
$53,601Total Expenditures

This page displays the cumulative amount given by these contributors to this candidate during the selected election cycle.

Total Contributions
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
$113,804.98 Iowa Democratic Party ENTITY
$10,000.00 Justice for All PAC ENTITY
$5,000.00 Iowans for Health Liberty PAC ENTITY
$4,600.00 Cerro Gordo County Democratic Central Committee ENTITY
$3,000.00 Heavy Highway PAC ENTITY
$3,000.00 Iowa State Education Assn PAC or Isea PAC ENTITY
$2,000.00 Iowa Staff Union-National Staff Organization PAC ENTITY
$2,000.00 Nancy Sweetman INDIVIDUAL
$1,959.99 Jane Katz INDIVIDUAL
$1,939.99 Marc Katz INDIVIDUAL
$1,478.27 Name Not Provided INDIVIDUAL
$1,000.00 Iowa State Building & Trades Council Pec ENTITY
$1,000.00 Launcelot Erickson INDIVIDUAL
$1,000.00 Roxanne and James C Conlin INDIVIDUAL
$705.54 Sharon Steckman INDIVIDUAL
$700.00 Jane Roggensack INDIVIDUAL
$543.53 James Ragan INDIVIDUAL
$500.00 Carol Clayton INDIVIDUAL
$500.00 Iowa Committee on Political Education - AFL-CIO ENTITY
$500.00 Iowa Unity Coalition ENTITY
$500.00 Plumbers and Pipe Fitters Local 125 Political Education Fund ENTITY
$450.00 Rhonda True INDIVIDUAL
$400.00 Curtis Nelson INDIVIDUAL
$400.00 Franklin County Democratic Central Committee (IA PAC #9070) ENTITY
$384.35 Richard Ballard INDIVIDUAL