Lonnette Dafney
$2,962Total Contributions
$1,301Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$500.00 | Valeska Buie |
$422.00 | Name Not Provided |
$250.00 | Cherry Renee Hardman |
$250.00 | Jeffrey Thomas |
$250.00 | Vickee Adams |
$200.00 | Mary Madison |
$110.00 | Latasha Brown |
$100.00 | Cara Harris |
$100.00 | Deidra Williams |
$100.00 | Deidre DeJear |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$712.24 | Uz Marketing |
$343.47 | Van Ginkel |
$200.87 | Fedex |
$41.95 | wix.com |
$2.00 | West Des Moines Library |
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