Trevir Michehl
$4,095Total Contributions
$3,918Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$1,175.00 | Trevir Michehl |
$1,000.00 | Grell Roofing |
$300.00 | Quick Cabs |
$250.00 | Farrell's Automotive Repair |
$250.00 | Tma Construction |
$200.00 | Riley-Armstrong Plumbing |
$190.00 | K Michehl |
$150.00 | Kathy Messerly |
$100.00 | Anne Magruder |
$100.00 | David Messerly |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$1,900.00 | Memories in Focus |
$900.83 | Optic Ink |
$345.02 | Vista Print |
$220.00 | Ogden Newspapers |
$217.66 | Menards |
$200.00 | Riley-Armstrong Plumbing |
$123.25 | Creative Signs |
$11.64 | Office Max |
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