$153.88 |
Rob Sand
Rob Sand for Iowa
$111.00 |
Iowa Democratic Party
$110.00 |
Tom Miller
Iowans for Miller
$81.00 |
Deidre DeJear
Dejear for Iowa
$80.00 |
Sarah Trone Garriott
Sarah Trone Garriott for Iowa
$75.00 |
Tony Amsler
Tony Amsler for Iowa House
$58.00 |
Janice Weiner
Janice Weiner for State Senate
$58.00 |
Kevin Kinney
Kevin Kinney for State Senate
$55.00 |
Ras Smith
Ras Smith for Governor
$54.70 |
Kay Pence
Kay Pence for Iowa
$50.00 |
Bridget Carberry Montgomery
Bridget Carberry Montgomery for Iowa
$50.00 |
Deb Vandergaast
Deb Vandergaast for Iowa Senate
$50.00 |
Eileen Beran
Beran for Iowa
$50.00 |
Mike Heaton
Heaton for Rural Iowa
$40.00 |
Jed Ganzer
Jed Ganzer for Iowa
$30.00 |
Adam Zabner
Zabner for Iowa
$30.00 |
John Norwood
Citizens for John Norwood
$26.00 |
Jennifer Wolff
Wolff 4 Senate
$25.00 |
Clinton County Democratic Central Committee
$25.00 |
Anthony Currin
Currin to the Capitol
$25.00 |
Austin Frerick
Frerick for Iowa
$25.00 |
Dene Lundberg
Dene Lundberg for Iowa House
$25.00 |
Hai Huynh
Hai Huynh for Coralville
$25.00 |
Heather Matson
Heather Matson for Iowa House
$25.00 |
Jennifer Hansen
Jenny Hansen for Iowa House