$2,232.02 |
Carissa Froyum
Froyum for House
$1,190.00 |
Iowa Unity Coalition
$800.00 |
Eric Van Lancker
Iowa Voters for Van Lancker
$790.00 |
Ras Smith
Ras Smith for Governor
$375.00 |
Rob Sand
Rob Sand for Iowa
$350.00 |
Shawn Ellerbroek
Shawn Ellerbroek for House
$250.00 |
Ann Mclaughlin
Ann Mclaughlin for Treasurer
$200.00 |
John Norwood
Citizens for John Norwood
$200.00 |
Pam Egli
Pam Egli for Senate
$177.78 |
Andrea Phillips
Andrea Phillips for Iowa
$145.00 |
Postcards to Iowa Voters
$100.00 |
Ben Rogers
Ben Rogers for Supervisor
$100.00 |
Erin Pratt
Pratt for Treasurer
$100.00 |
Jodi Grover
Jodi Grover for Iowa
$100.00 |
Zach Wahls
Committee to Elect Zach Wahls
$80.00 |
Iowa Democratic Party
$50.00 |
Christopher Schwartz
Schwartz for Supervisor
$50.00 |
Jennifer Wolff
Wolff 4 Senate
$27.78 |
Eric Gjerde
Eric Gjerde for Iowa
$27.78 |
Heather Matson
Heather Matson for Iowa House
$27.78 |
Karin Derry
Karin Derry for Iowa
$27.78 |
Kayla Koether
Kayla Koether for Iowa
$27.77 |
Jennifer Pellant
Pellant for Iowa House
$25.00 |
Amara Andrews
Amara Andrews 4 Cr
$25.00 |
Sean Bagniewski
Sean Bagniewski for Iowa