$2,150.00 |
Johnson County Democratic Central Committee
$650.00 |
Joe Bolkcom
Joe Bolkcom for Iowa Senate
$500.00 |
Deidre DeJear
Dejear for Iowa
$500.00 |
Janice Weiner
Janice Weiner for Senate
$500.00 |
John Norris
Norris for the People
$450.00 |
Zach Wahls
Committee to Elect Zach Wahls
$250.00 |
Iowa Democratic Party
$250.00 |
Anthony Currin
Currin to the Capitol
$200.00 |
Christina Bohannan
Bohannan for Iowa
$100.00 |
Amy Nielsen
Amy Nielsen for Iowa
$100.00 |
Andrea Phillips
Andrea Phillips for Iowa
$100.00 |
Brad Kunkel
Kunkel for Sheriff
$100.00 |
Charlie Eastham
Eastham for School Board
$100.00 |
Fred Hubbell
Hubbell for Governor
$100.00 |
Janice Weiner
Janice Weiner for State Senate
$100.00 |
Jodi Grover
Jodi Grover for Iowa
$100.00 |
Kelcey Brackett
Kelcey Brackett for Iowa House 91
$100.00 |
Lonny Pulkrabek
Lonny Pulkrabek for House
$100.00 |
Rod Sullivan
Sullivan for Supervisor
$50.00 |
David Weaver
David Weaver for Iowa