$10,000.00 |
Grassroots PAC
$2,600.00 |
Brandon Johnson
Friends of Brandon Johnson
$1,980.00 |
Jeanette Taylor
Friends for Jeanette B Taylor
$1,750.00 |
Khari Humphries
Friends of Khari Humphries
$1,500.00 |
End Homelessness Supporting Bring Chicago Home
$1,500.00 |
Karen Zaccor
Neighbors for Karen Zaccor for Ersb
$1,300.00 |
People United for Action
$1,000.00 |
Fritz Kaegi
Friends for Fritz
$1,000.00 |
Lori Torres Whit
Community for Lori Torres Whitt
$850.00 |
Desmon C Yancy
Friends of Desmon Yancy
$740.00 |
Jeylu Gutierrez
Friends of Jeylu Gutierrez
$530.00 |
Warren Williams
Friends of Warren Williams
$500.00 |
Ambria Taylor
Ambria for Alderman
$500.00 |
Ana Santoyo
Ana for 45th Ward
$500.00 |
Angela Clay
Neighbors for Angela Clay
$500.00 |
Byron Sigcho Lopez
Friends of Byron Sigcho Lopez
$500.00 |
Daniel La Spata
Neighbors for Daniel La Spata
$500.00 |
Denali Dasgupta
Neighbors for Denali
$500.00 |
Oscar Sanchez
Unidos Con Oscar
$500.00 |
Victoria Alvarez
Vicko for 15