Loretta Barnes
$6,893Total Contributions
$5,780Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$1,284.00 | Unitemized Contributions |
$1,019.28 | Loretta Louise Barnes |
$700.00 | Warren County Democratic Central Committee |
$681.89 | Actblue Illinois |
$500.00 | Jasper County Democrat Central |
$500.00 | Montgomery County Democratic Party |
$441.82 | ActBlue Indiana |
$350.00 | Joe 4 Hoosiers |
$325.00 | 4th District Democratic Central Committee |
$300.00 | White County Democratic Central Committee |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$1,824.47 | Gounionprinting |
$1,210.00 | United States Postal Service |
$473.50 | Unitemized Expenditures |
$357.97 | Facebook Inc |
$350.00 | Charles Ranspach |
$346.53 | 4 Imprint |
$236.26 | Rushorder Tees |
$219.35 | Haywood Printing |
$153.36 | Meijer Political Action Committee of Indiana |
$130.96 | Sam's Club |
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