Tammari Ingalls
$6,528Total Contributions
$6,528Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$3,461.16 | Unitemized Contributions |
$500.00 | Andrea Matulich-Rowe |
$500.00 | Carole Konyha |
$493.14 | Tammari Ingallls |
$310.00 | signrocket.com |
$250.00 | Eileen Lindburg |
$250.00 | Rita Hall |
$140.00 | Stacy Chambers |
$105.22 | Cynthia Wehr |
$103.00 | Thomas Bohm |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$1,500.00 | Whitcomb Klinkose Group |
$1,477.28 | mycampaignstore.com |
$1,030.41 | Horoho Printing co Inc |
$396.00 | Marion Chronicle Tribune |
$310.00 | signrocket.com |
$293.14 | Hoosier Jiffy Printing |
$250.00 | Gary Snyder |
$220.00 | Joyce Bentz |
$197.27 | Unitemized Expenditures |
$150.00 | Huntington County Democratic Party |
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