David Lacasse
$5,980Total Contributions
$5,438Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$4,310.00 | David Lacasse |
$500.00 | Country House Food Inc |
$250.00 | David Anne & Halford |
$250.00 | Neil & Eleanor Lacasse |
$250.00 | Wendy Williams |
$200.00 | Garry Ostrander |
$100.00 | Bruce Pugsley |
$70.00 | Rich Wendy & Coscarellie |
$50.00 | David Lacasse |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$4,333.28 | Insignia Graphics |
$425.00 | Diane Boike |
$400.00 | Lenawee County Fair |
$100.00 | Lenawee County Horse and Pony Club |
$100.00 | MI Greenstone PAC |
$80.00 | Dikuts Creations |
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