Earl Lackie
$18,224Total Contributions
$18,722Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$18,200.00 | Earl Lackie |
$23.97 | Rebecca Oliver |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$3,518.05 | Best Buy |
$3,200.00 | Big Dog Strategies LLC |
$3,000.00 | Norton |
$1,083.63 | Earl Lackie |
$1,000.00 | Jacob Havener |
$957.76 | M& S Printmedia Inc |
$898.29 | Salient Sign Studio |
$897.82 | Highest Honor |
$832.00 | Campaignpartner.com |
$516.50 | Office Depot Office Max |
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