Steele Hughes
$2,821Total Contributions
$1,755Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$906.56 | Steele Hughes |
$873.27 | Hughes |
$485.20 | Ryann Gray |
$145.35 | Christopher Rodela |
$96.80 | Austin Webster |
$96.50 | Patricia Billette |
$48.25 | Kelly Sutherland |
$48.25 | Latoya Henry |
$48.25 | Tanerah Taylor |
$48.25 | Urgency Plus Passion |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$873.27 | Bergmann Zwerdling Direct |
$683.00 | Motown Printing |
$198.47 | Custom Ink |
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