Teamsters 406 PAC
Michigan Committee
$207,240Total Contributions
$185,300Total Expenditures

This page displays the cumulative amounts paid to these persons and organizations by this committee.

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Total Expenditures
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$26,000.00 Winnie Brinks ENTITY
$13,000.00 John Fitzgerald ENTITY
$10,000.00 3rd Congressional Democratic Committee ENTITY
$10,000.00 Gretchen Whitmer ENTITY
$8,000.00 Joey Andrews IV ENTITY
$7,500.00 David LaGrand ENTITY
$7,500.00 Democratic State Central Committee ENTITY
$7,500.00 Scott Dianda ENTITY
$7,500.00 Stephen Wooden Campaign ENTITY
$6,500.00 Carol Glanville ENTITY
$6,250.00 Kent County Democratic Party ENTITY
$6,000.00 Kristian Grant ENTITY
$6,000.00 William Snyder ENTITY
$5,000.00 Austin Marsman Campaign ENTITY
$5,000.00 Betsy Coffia ENTITY
$5,000.00 Bridget Mary McCormack ENTITY
$5,000.00 Dan O'Neil ENTITY
$5,000.00 James Haadsma ENTITY
$5,000.00 Michigan House Democratic Fund ENTITY
$4,000.00 Dana Nessel ENTITY
$3,000.00 Cmtee to Elect Jenn Hill State ENTITY
$2,500.00 Abby Klomparens ENTITY
$2,500.00 Comm to Re-Elect Amos Oneal ENTITY
$2,500.00 Cte Carol Glanville ENTITY
$2,500.00 Cte Lauren Taylor ENTITY