Kathleen M Lohmer
$15,027Cash on Hand
$69,808Total Contributions
$72,365Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$56,153.29 | Aggregated Unitemized Contributions |
$4,186.06 | Public Subsidy |
$3,000.00 | Old |
$800.00 | MN Dental PAC |
$600.00 | MN Chamber of Commerce Leadership Fd |
$500.00 | Barbara J Larson |
$500.00 | Elizabeth A Rekstad |
$500.00 | Kenneth R Larson |
$500.00 | Peter J Rekstad |
$319.00 | Ray Irwin |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$22,282.27 | Gregory L Lohmer |
$15,652.88 | United States Postal Service |
$8,576.60 | Bayport Printing |
$8,048.89 | Aggregated Unitemized Expenditures |
$7,400.00 | Clearchannel Outdoor |
$5,150.00 | Hrcc |
$1,942.38 | Old |
$1,200.00 | Jason Wenisch |
$599.93 | Kathleen M Lohmer |
$500.00 | Gorman's Restaurant |
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