Across the 10 states included in Transparency USA’s database, several prominent women dominated donor lists in the 2020 election cycle. Some, like Karla Jurvetson and Deborah Simon, targeted key state-level elections across multiple swing states. Others focused their contributions closer to home, supporting candidates and PACs in their state of residence. While Transparency USA focuses on state-level campaign finance, all of these women have supported federal candidates and causes as well. See those contributions here.
Republican Party of Minn
Minnesota Committee
$69,514Cash on Hand
$897,307Total Contributions
$1,336,089Total Expenditures
Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$322,243.03 | Republican Party of Minn |
$105,000.00 | Robert J Ulrich |
$90,000.00 | Stanley S Hubbard |
$70,000.00 | Mark Davis |
$50,000.00 | 2nd Congressional District RPM |
$45,000.00 | Robert A Kierlin |
$40,000.00 | Louis F Hill |
$40,000.00 | Tom Rosen |
$35,000.00 | Jeannine Rivet |
$30,000.00 | Russell King |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$529,662.51 | Republican Party of Minn |
$129,443.71 | Aggregated Unitemized Expenditures |
$110,000.00 | Hrcc |
$84,300.96 | Saint Paul Rivercentre |
$74,860.43 | Ridgeway Companies |
$62,921.75 | Crosscastle PLLC |
$50,277.15 | Jacobson Magnuson Anderson & Halloran PC |
$50,000.00 | Senate Victory Fund (Svf) |
$47,231.63 | Blank Entry |
$26,674.88 | May Civic Center |
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