$25,788.67 |
Matt Norris
Committee for Matt Norris for Minnesota
$22,930.78 |
Jen Fox
Jen Fox for House
$22,133.85 |
Mark Munger
Munger (Mark) for House
$19,398.84 |
Patriotic Chickens
$13,440.72 |
7th Congressional District DFL
$12,102.75 |
Huldah Nyamisa Momanyi Hiltsley
Huldah (Momanyi Hiltsley) 4 House
$11,481.14 |
Janelle Calhoun
Citizens for Janelle Calhoun
$10,150.48 |
Lucia Wroblewski
Lucia (Wroblewski) for House
$10,000.00 |
Deloitte PAC
$8,351.01 |
Steve Elkins
Elkins (Steve) for House
$8,216.32 |
Harley Droba
Campaign Fund of Harley Droba
$7,911.48 |
Gadisa Berkessa
Gadisa Berkessa for House
$7,169.31 |
Brian Raines
Raines (Brian) for 34a
$7,049.85 |
Cheryl Youakim
Youakim (Cheryl) for State Representative Committee
$6,653.51 |
Josiah Hill
Josiah Hill for MN House
$5,638.21 |
Mike Freiberg
Friends of (Mike) Freiberg
$5,480.51 |
Anthony M Studemann
Anthony (Studemann) for Minnesota House of Representatives
$5,415.27 |
Mary Jo Murphy
Mary J Murphy for MN State House of Representatives
$5,358.37 |
Ann Johnson Stewart
Campaign of Ann Johnson Stewart
$5,290.59 |
Reed Olson
Vote Reed Olson
$5,241.76 |
Beltrami County DFL
$5,133.34 |
Pete Radosevich
Pete Radosevich for 11a
$4,995.00 |
24b House District DFL (Olmsted 20/24)
$4,639.44 |
Sara Nett-Torgrimson
Nett-Torgrimson (Sara) for MN House District 22b
$4,571.56 |
Laurie Wolfe
Wolfe (Laurie) for Minnesota