Corey Mackinnon
$29,890Total Contributions
$20,089Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$8,985.65 | Corey Mackinnon |
$3,054.86 | Aggregated Individual Contribution |
$1,375.00 | Aimee Merrill |
$1,000.00 | Kelly Landreth |
$800.00 | Chris Kiser |
$800.00 | Greg Burleson |
$750.00 | Barton Cook |
$740.00 | Ricky Buchanan |
$600.00 | David Patneude |
$550.00 | Joe Hall |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$3,800.00 | Blueridge Outdoors |
$2,846.20 | North Carolina State Board of Elections |
$2,740.50 | Headrick Outdoor Media of the Carolinas |
$2,399.50 | Marion Lake Club |
$1,580.00 | Coley's Graphics |
$1,060.00 | Marsha Garrett |
$1,000.00 | Top Fuel Grill |
$934.94 | Signs on the Cheap |
$889.80 | 4imprint |
$729.10 | Aggregated Non-Media Expenditure |
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