Skip Alston
$186,190Total Contributions
$118,043Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$10,500.00 | Gladys F Shipman |
$6,500.00 | Rachelle Latimer |
$6,400.00 | Christopher Parks |
$6,400.00 | David Couch |
$6,400.00 | David Hughes Griffin |
$6,400.00 | Deena Hayes-Greene |
$6,400.00 | Gregory Bryant |
$6,400.00 | Herbert Parks |
$6,400.00 | Jarette L Sampson |
$6,400.00 | Khan Khan |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$6,600.00 | Victor Hussey Catering |
$5,798.81 | Bp Oil |
$5,609.38 | 1st Bankcard Center |
$5,180.00 | Hayes Taylor Ymca |
$5,150.00 | Lamar Advertising Company |
$4,750.00 | Fairway Outdoor Advertising |
$3,683.95 | Tcs Event Rentals |
$3,670.11 | Viictor Hussey Catering |
$3,410.68 | Arrowhead Graphics Inc |
$3,000.00 | Committee to Elect Mary Beth Murphy |
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