Brooke K Kemak
$6,027Total Contributions
$6,603Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$2,800.00 | Cortland County Republican Committee |
$600.00 | Elizabeth Larkin |
$500.00 | Andrew T Jewett |
$500.00 | Bernice Potter-Masler |
$302.00 | Unitemized Contribution |
$300.00 | William Wood |
$200.00 | Constance White |
$200.00 | Karen Forkey |
$200.00 | Marcia Ford |
$200.00 | Maria Landon |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$2,900.00 | Brooke Kemak |
$2,484.00 | Sellco Inc |
$760.32 | Max Graphics Printing LLC |
$236.46 | Unitemized Contribution |
$162.00 | Isaf-Merkur |
$60.50 | Delux Checks |
Top Loans
Amount | Lender |
$1,250.00 | Brooke Kemak |
$1,250.00 | Brooke Kemak |
$200.00 | Brooke Kemak |
$200.00 | Brooke Kemak |
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