Hilda Lando
$4,855Total Contributions
$3,578Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$1,597.46 | Unitemized Contribution |
$1,000.00 | 1199 SEIU New York State Political Action Fund |
$1,000.00 | Corning Incorporated |
$1,000.00 | SEIU-1199 |
$250.00 | Corning City Democratic Committee |
$7.50 | Corning Fed Credit Union |
$0.14 | Corning Credit Union |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$1,026.00 | Graphic Solutions |
$552.00 | United States Postal Service |
$517.56 | Hilda Lando |
$243.77 | Vistaprint |
$200.00 | Committee to Elect Bill Boland |
$200.00 | Committee to Elect Hochul |
$200.00 | Committee to Elect Joe Tobia |
$176.51 | Marriot Syracuse Down |
$132.09 | Holiday Inn Waterloo |
$120.00 | Democratic Rural Conference of New York State |
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