James Creighton
$5,365Total Contributions
$4,274Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$1,487.00 | Francis Creighton |
$1,403.00 | Francis Julia & Creighton |
$1,070.99 | James Creighton |
$250.00 | Dorf & Nelson LLP |
$250.00 | James Eileen & Creighton |
$250.00 | Minalkumar Patel |
$225.21 | James F Creighton |
$100.00 | James Iniguez |
$100.00 | John a Atlas DDS LLC |
$78.36 | James F Creighton |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$608.69 | Facebook Inc / Meta Platforms Inc |
$506.49 | Liberty Press |
$345.27 | Croton Democratic Committee |
$300.00 | Cortlandt Democratic Committee |
$194.24 | Peoples United Bank |
$192.19 | United States Postal Service |
$162.95 | Vistaprint |
$150.00 | Yukas Latin Fusion |
$127.40 | Usps - Verplanck Post Office |
$125.00 | Colin Smith |
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