Kari Rieser
$3,851Total Contributions
$3,701Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$500.00 | Eleanor Roosevelt Legacy |
$500.00 | Michael Young |
$250.00 | Ellen Gartland |
$200.00 | Mark Harrison |
$150.00 | Michael Hall |
$150.00 | Robert Grasing |
$150.00 | Zachary Donhauser |
$100.00 | Beatrice M Rieser |
$100.00 | Benedict Chant |
$100.00 | Courtney B Caramico |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$930.85 | Printing & Graphic Concepts LLC |
$919.06 | Staples Inc |
$400.00 | Kari Rieser |
$272.39 | Signs on the Cheap |
$235.71 | Main Printing |
$171.92 | Prime Print |
$117.86 | Rossis Deli |
$114.34 | Vistaprint |
$75.00 | Karen Rieser |
$63.71 | Party City |
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