Kimberly Davis

$944Total Contributions
$3,404Total Expenditures

This page displays the individual payments made to these persons and organizations by this candidate’s campaign.

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$597.73 amazoncom Services LLC Seattle05/21/2023FundraisingENTITY
$250.00 Brandi Lloyd for County Clerk Ellenburg Depot02/22/2023Political ContributionsENTITY
$250.00 North Country Women United PAC Plattsburgh02/22/2023Political ContributionsENTITY
$250.00 North Country Women United PAC Plattsburgh02/01/2023Political ContributionsENTITY
$250.00 North Country Women United PAC Plattsburgh03/08/2024Political ContributionsENTITY
$237.11 Kimberly Davis Plattsburgh01/04/2023MileageENTITY
$191.26 Kimberly Davis Plattsburgh04/18/2023MileageENTITY
$167.07 Hilton Hotels Saratoga Springs04/15/2023LodgingENTITY
$159.90 Zoom Video Communications Inc San Jose04/14/2024OfficeENTITY
$149.90 Zoom Video Communications Inc San Jose04/14/2023Professional ServicesENTITY
$135.00 Democratic Rural Conference of New York State Franklinville03/23/2023MeetingENTITY
$129.96 Hilton Hotels Albany05/11/2023LodgingENTITY
$104.87 Kimberly Davis Ellenburg Depot07/02/2023MileageENTITY
$100.00 Clinton County Democratic Committee Plattsburgh06/21/2023Political ContributionsENTITY
$100.00 Robert Hall Plattsburgh07/02/2023Print AdsENTITY
$100.00 Robert Hall Plattsburgh07/08/2024Print AdsENTITY
$90.00 Carrabbas Italian Grill Latham01/01/2023MealsENTITY
$60.00 United States Postal Service Plattsburgh01/20/2023PostageENTITY
$45.00 Unitemized Contribution 03/17/2023UnknownENTITY
$29.83 Committee to Elect Aas Peru08/25/2023Political ContributionsENTITY
$6.00 Unitemized Contribution 01/01/2023UnknownENTITY