Tahseen Chowdhury
$1,871Total Contributions
$496Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$250.00 | Adam Rosen |
$100.00 | Don Buford |
$100.00 | Jeannie Gerzon |
$100.00 | Katie Lee |
$100.00 | Thomas Bantle |
$54.43 | Best Buy Co Inc |
$50.00 | Brian Cheng |
$50.00 | Claire Neveu |
$50.00 | Felicity Nitz |
$50.00 | James Izurieta |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$194.00 | Td Bank |
$119.74 | Best Buy Co Inc |
$68.32 | AmazonMarketplacepayments/amazon.com |
$66.01 | Actblue Technical Services |
$21.76 | Staples #0011722 |
$14.96 | Facebook Inc / Meta Platforms Inc |
$11.00 | G C Stationary Inc |
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