Tara L White
$6,978Total Contributions
$6,927Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$4,085.26 | Tara White |
$1,616.68 | Tara L White |
$720.59 | Tara L White |
$215.95 | Gwendolen Tuttle |
$114.48 | Lane And Patricia Mark |
$100.00 | David Schrader |
$75.00 | Carl Tuohey |
$50.00 | Julie Cecchini |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$3,154.87 | Lake Country Media |
$2,823.21 | Print Enterprises Inc |
$477.00 | Niagara Gazette |
$377.00 | Kustom Kreations |
$95.00 | Batavia Newspaper |
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