Thomas Joseph Robert Basile
$9,652Total Contributions
$10,596Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$8,764.38 | Tom Basile |
$380.13 | Thomas Basile |
$187.78 | Rockland County Times |
$80.00 | Citizens for Jim Monaghan |
$80.00 | Friends of Frank Phillips |
$80.00 | Friends of Kathy Campbell-Lyons |
$80.00 | Michael Puccio |
$0.08 | Unitemized Contribution |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$1,362.00 | The Mailhouse |
$660.00 | Carl Edwin Dubois |
$606.90 | Hudson Valley Sign Studio |
$550.00 | Tom Basile |
$500.00 | New York State Conservative Party (Conference Account) (Nyscp) |
$500.00 | Orange County Republican Committee |
$400.00 | Rockland County Republican Committee |
$350.00 | Paul Chabot for Texas State Rep |
$350.00 | Rockland County Times |
$350.00 | L Stephen Brescia |
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