Zefy Christopoulos
$18,974Total Contributions
$18,585Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$1,500.00 | pj Mechanical Service Corp |
$1,000.00 | Flora Petakas-Marinelli |
$650.00 | Demetrios Xanthos |
$625.00 | Brenda Weck |
$625.00 | Patricia Yeomans |
$575.00 | Janice E Zangari |
$575.00 | Michael Zangari |
$500.00 | Barbara J Gavosto |
$375.00 | All Island Lawn Maintenance Corp |
$375.00 | Michael Bono |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$4,493.08 | Ccc Enterprises LLC |
$3,496.00 | North Shore Today |
$3,359.96 | Glen Cove Printery |
$1,960.00 | Nassau County Republican Committee |
$1,389.15 | Kyma Restaurant |
$1,186.00 | Anton Community Newspapers |
$1,118.00 | Long Island Herald |
$500.00 | The View Grill |
$308.00 | A & M Signs Inc |
$294.00 | Postmaster - Sea Cliff |
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