Liquid Asphalt Distributors Association PAC Inc
New York Committee
$17,000Total Contributions
$12,100Total Expenditures

This page displays the cumulative amount given by these contributors to this committee during the selected election cycle.

Total Contributions
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
$3,000.00 Neil Guiles INDIVIDUAL
$2,000.00 Gormans Terminals LLC ENTITY
$2,000.00 Midland Asphault Materials Inc ENTITY
$2,000.00 Peckham Industries Inc PAC ENTITY
$2,000.00 Peckham Industries PAC ENTITY
$2,000.00 Suit-Kote Corporation ENTITY
$2,000.00 Suite-Kote Corporation ENTITY
$2,000.00 The Gorman Groupllc ENTITY