Town of Montgomery Republican Committee
New York Committee
$19,885Total Contributions
$18,101Total Expenditures

This page displays the individual payments made to these persons and organizations by this committee.

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$2,650.00 Oc Republican Committee Goshen10/18/2023Voter Reg Materials or ServicesENTITY
$1,008.00 United States Postal Service Montgomery06/05/2023PostageENTITY
$1,000.00 Wards Bridge Inn Montgomery11/02/2023FundraisingENTITY
$800.00 Fusion Graphics Montgomery06/07/2023Lawn SignsENTITY
$680.00 Chester Printing Middletown11/05/2024Campaign MailingsENTITY
$667.00 Capitol Promotions Inc Clenside06/28/2023Lawn SignsENTITY
$630.00 Bill Kirnan Walden07/06/2023ReimbursementENTITY
$630.00 United States Postal Service Montgomery06/01/2023PostageENTITY
$567.68 Bill Kirnan Walden10/02/2024ReimbursementENTITY
$567.68 Hartford Insurance Hartford10/02/2024Other: Must Provide ExplanationENTITY
$566.63 The Hartford Insurance Clinton09/27/2023Other: Must Provide ExplanationENTITY
$515.02 4imprint USA Oshkosh09/18/2023FundraisingENTITY
$515.02 Cindy Voss Montgomery09/27/2023ReimbursementENTITY
$461.50 Bill Kirnan Walden01/15/2024ReimbursementENTITY
$461.50 Maybrook Vfw Maybrook01/12/2024FundraisingENTITY
$413.25 Times Community Newspapers Newburgh12/12/2023Print AdsENTITY
$413.25 William Kirnan Walden12/15/2023ReimbursementENTITY
$357.71 Bill Kirnan Walden11/22/2024ReimbursementENTITY
$357.71 Sweeneys Walden11/04/2024MeetingENTITY
$350.00 Orange County Laser Engravings Circleville10/18/2023FundraisingENTITY
$350.00 Orange County Laser Engravings Circleville10/02/2024Other: Must Provide ExplanationENTITY
$350.00 Vfw Walden07/19/2023Office RentENTITY
$350.00 Vfw Walden08/28/2024MeetingENTITY
$338.25 Bill Kirnan Walden08/03/2023ReimbursementENTITY
$338.25 Wallkill Valley Times Newburgh08/01/2023Print AdsENTITY