Paul Ernenwein
This page displays the cumulative amount given by this contributor to these individuals or organizations.
Total Contributions (Click to sort ascending) | Candidate (Click to sort ascending) | Committee (Click to sort ascending) |
$890.00 | Karen D Edelman-Reyes | Karen D Edelman-Reyes |
$750.00 | Robert Mclymore | Friends of Robert Mclymore |
$500.00 | Committee to Elect Hael | |
$500.00 | Goshen Forward | |
$500.00 | Robert G Rolison | Rolison for NY |
$400.00 | David M Hoovler | Hoovler for District Attorney |
$100.00 | Richard J Guertin | Judge Guertin for County Court |
$95.00 | Susan M Sullivan-Bisceglia | Judge Sullivan for Supreme Court |