Matthew Brown
This page displays the cumulative amount given by this contributor to these individuals or organizations.
Total Contributions (Click to sort ascending) | Candidate (Click to sort ascending) | Committee (Click to sort ascending) |
$350.00 | Andrae Evans | Vote Andrae Evans |
$350.00 | Samra Brouk | Samra Brouk for State Senate |
$250.00 | Monroe County Democratic Committee | |
$200.00 | Friends of Heidi Woika | |
$200.00 | Carolyn Hoffman | Friends of Carolyn Hoffman |
$200.00 | Gary Muldoon | Committee to Elect Gary Muldoon |
$192.37 | Emily Mischler | Friends of Emily Mischler |
$112.00 | Monroe County Young Democrats | |
$100.00 | Webster Democratic Committee | |
$100.00 | Jamie Romeo | Friends of Jamie Romeo |