Blue to Red Strategies
$195,866Total Received
This page displays the individual payments made to these persons and organizations.
Amount (Click to sort ascending) | Candidate or Committee (Click to sort ascending) | City (Click to sort ascending) | Date (Click to sort ascending) | Category (Click to sort ascending) | Type (Click to sort ascending) |
$16,570.00 | Brooke Lupinacci | Oyster Bay | 10/17/2023 | Professional Services | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$10,722.70 | Brooke Lupinacci | Oyster Bay | 11/02/2023 | Campaign Mailings | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$9,576.25 | Brooke Lupinacci | Oyster Bay | 11/29/2023 | Professional Services | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$8,350.00 | Brooke Lupinacci | Oyster Bay | 08/29/2023 | Campaign Consultant | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$8,308.21 | Edward Scott | Oyster Bay | 11/15/2023 | Professional Services | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$7,887.12 | Samantha Goetz | Oyster Bay | 11/29/2023 | Professional Services | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$7,808.45 | Brooke Lupinacci | Oyster Bay | 10/10/2023 | Campaign Consultant | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$7,500.00 | Nassau County Republican Committee | Oyster Bay | 10/25/2023 | PollingCosts | County |
$7,343.65 | Brooke Lupinacci | Oyster Bay | 06/23/2023 | Campaign Mailings | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$7,296.16 | Brooke Lupinacci | Oyster Bay | 05/15/2023 | Campaign Consultant | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$7,099.78 | Joseph S Saladino | Oyster Bay | 11/14/2023 | PollingCosts | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$7,081.50 | Samantha Goetz | Oyster Bay | 08/28/2023 | Campaign Consultant | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$6,801.25 | Samantha Goetz | Oyster Bay | 08/09/2023 | Campaign Consultant | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$6,719.81 | Jake Blumencranz | Oyster Bay | 11/07/2024 | Online Ads | Public Campaign Finance |
$6,652.10 | Samantha Goetz | Oyster Bay | 10/17/2023 | Professional Services | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$6,119.99 | Jake Blumencranz | Oyster Bay | 10/09/2024 | Professional Services | Public Campaign Finance |
$5,815.65 | Samantha Goetz | Oyster Bay | 10/10/2023 | Campaign Consultant | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$5,700.00 | Nassau County Republican Committee | Oyster Bay | 12/21/2023 | PollingCosts | County |
$5,679.29 | Joseph S Saladino | Oyster Bay | 05/16/2023 | PollingCosts | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$5,417.53 | Brooke Lupinacci | Oyster Bay | 09/18/2023 | Professional Services | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$5,032.70 | Samantha Goetz | Oyster Bay | 09/18/2023 | Professional Services | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$4,785.82 | Brooke Lupinacci | Oyster Bay | 07/25/2023 | Campaign Consultant | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$4,402.42 | Edward Scott | Oyster Bay | 06/21/2023 | Professional Services | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$4,088.00 | Jake Blumencranz | Oyster Bay | 09/20/2024 | Online Ads | Public Campaign Finance |
$4,003.62 | Samantha Goetz | Oyster Bay | 08/01/2023 | Professional Services | Authorized Single-Candidate |