Fort Orange Press Inc
$355,982Total Received

This organization has been paid by the candidates and committees listed below.

Total Payments
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
$78,651.56 New York Republican State Committee - Reporting
$33,913.54 Rensselaer County Democratic Committee
$27,538.20 Colin J Schmitt Team Schmitt Fund
$23,490.06 Paul Morgan Committee to Re-Elect Judge Paul Morgan
$18,242.12 Brian G Owens Owens for Sheriff
$13,048.78 Jeffery V Jamison Committee to Elect Jeffery v Jamison
$12,771.30 State Conservative Campaign Committee
$11,934.00 Matthew Joseph Turner Committee to Elect Matt Turner Family Court Judge
$10,868.04 Kyle Bourgault Kyle Bourgault for Sheriff
$9,751.32 Matthew Hauf Hauf 4 Family Court
$8,888.40 Mark Portin Committee to Elect Judge Portin
$8,726.40 Voice of Teachers for Education or Committee on Political Education of the New Yo
$7,700.40 Scott Bendett Friends of Scott Bendett
$6,807.99 Eve Smith Friends of Eve Smith
$6,495.65 Jillian Faison Committee to Elect Jillian E Faison
$6,431.72 Wrcc 21st Century Fund
$6,237.00 Town of North Greenbush Republican Committee
$6,110.64 Charles V Patricelli Committee to Elect Charles v Patricelli
$5,645.80 Steven H Klein Elect Steven H Klein Poughkeepsie Town Justice
$5,124.60 Coeymans Conservative Party Committee
$4,697.20 Republican Legislative Campaign Committee
$4,256.46 Saratoga County Democratic Committee
$3,969.00 East Greenbush Republican Committee
$3,969.00 Linda Johnson Linda Johnson for Rensselaer City Court
$3,403.35 Samantha C Phillips Phillips for Rensselaer County Legislator