Star Press of Pearl River Inc
$58,787Total Received
This page displays the individual payments made to these persons and organizations.
Amount (Click to sort ascending) | Candidate or Committee (Click to sort ascending) | City (Click to sort ascending) | Date (Click to sort ascending) | Category (Click to sort ascending) | Type (Click to sort ascending) |
$9,026.00 | Orangetown Democratic Campaign Committee | Valley Cottage | 10/21/2023 | Campaign Mailings | County - Town |
$6,448.00 | Orangetown Democratic Campaign Committee | Valley Cottage | 10/23/2024 | Campaign Mailings | County - Town |
$5,150.14 | Aimee for Justice | Valley Cottage | 10/17/2023 | Campaign Literature | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$3,609.12 | Eudson Tyson Francois | Valley Cottage | 06/17/2024 | Postage | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$3,403.72 | Aimee for Justice | Valley Cottage | 10/17/2023 | Campaign Literature | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$3,171.00 | Aimee for Justice | Valley Cottage | 10/19/2023 | Campaign Literature | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$2,260.00 | Orangetown Democratic Campaign Committee | Valley Cottage | 10/27/2023 | Campaign Mailings | County - Town |
$2,182.53 | Ellie Kassner | Valley Cottage | 10/26/2023 | Campaign Mailings | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$2,090.00 | Orangetown Democratic Campaign Committee | Valley Cottage | 10/24/2023 | Campaign Mailings | County - Town |
$2,000.00 | Eudson Tyson Francois | Valley Cottage | 07/15/2024 | Campaign Consultant | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$1,681.75 | Orangetown Democratic Campaign Committee | Valley Cottage | 10/04/2024 | Campaign Mailings | County - Town |
$1,396.00 | Eudson Tyson Francois | Valley Cottage | 07/18/2024 | Campaign Mailings | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$1,328.52 | Aimee for Justice | Valley Cottage | 10/17/2023 | Campaign Literature | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$1,320.00 | Kathy Kahng Election Committee | Valley Cottage | 09/26/2023 | Campaign Mailings | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$1,320.00 | Kathy Kahng Election Committee | Valley Cottage | 10/03/2023 | Campaign Mailings | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$1,134.57 | Howard Gerber | Valley Cottage | 10/18/2023 | Campaign Mailings | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$1,134.57 | David M Ascher | Valley Cottage | 10/19/2023 | Campaign Mailings | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$1,018.00 | Kent Democratic Committee | Valley Cottage | 11/02/2023 | Campaign Mailings | County - Town |
$1,000.00 | Eudson Tyson Francois | Valley Cottage | 07/15/2024 | Campaign Literature | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$838.90 | Brian Shanahan | Valley Cottage | 10/04/2023 | Campaign Literature | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$823.65 | Michael Graziano | Valley Cottage | 09/11/2023 | Campaign Literature | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$803.40 | Kathy Kahng Election Committee | Valley Cottage | 09/17/2023 | Campaign Mailings | Authorized Single-Candidate |
$650.25 | Suffern Smart | Valley Cottage | 10/10/2023 | Campaign Literature | Authorized Multi-Candidate |
$650.25 | Suffern Smart | Valley Cottage | 10/20/2023 | Campaign Literature | Authorized Multi-Candidate |
$514.78 | Michael Graziano | Valley Cottage | 10/11/2023 | Campaign Literature | Authorized Single-Candidate |