Com for a Better Tomorrow
| 06/01/2023 | | | ENTITY |
Com for a Better Tomorrow
| 07/27/2023 | | | ENTITY |
Com for a Better Tomorrow
| 08/16/2023 | | | ENTITY |
Com for a Better Tomorrow
| 09/21/2023 | | | ENTITY |
PA Democratic Party
| 10/18/2023 | N/a | N/a | ENTITY |
Com for a Better Tomorrow
| 10/25/2023 | | | ENTITY |
PA Judicial PAC
| 06/01/2023 | | | ENTITY |
American Federation of State Council and Municipal Employees Afscme Federal
| 09/19/2023 | | | ENTITY |
Ua Union Plumbers & Pipefitters Vote! PAC
| 10/17/2023 | | | ENTITY |
PA Democratic Party
| 10/23/2023 | N/a | N/a | ENTITY |
International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers IBEW Federal
| 10/31/2023 | | | ENTITY |
PA Judicial PAC
| 07/31/2023 | | | ENTITY |
PA Democratic Party
| 05/01/2023 | N/a | N/a | ENTITY |
Com for a Better Tomorrow
| 10/17/2023 | | | ENTITY |
Com for a Better Tomorrow
| 11/02/2023 | | | ENTITY |
Greater PA Carpenters PAC
| 09/01/2023 | | | ENTITY |
IBT National Drive Fund Federal
| 04/27/2023 | | | ENTITY |
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 98 Committee on Political Education
| 08/29/2023 | | | ENTITY |
National Democratic Redistricting PAC Federal
| 10/17/2023 | | | ENTITY |
Psea-Pace for State Elections
| 09/25/2023 | | | ENTITY |
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades Political Action Together Political Committee - PA
| 10/27/2023 | | | ENTITY |
Com for a Better Tomorrow
| 12/29/2023 | | | ENTITY |
Com for a Better Tomorrow
| 12/29/2023 | | | ENTITY |
Mid-Atlantic Laborers' Political League
| 03/31/2023 | | | ENTITY |
PA Judicial PAC
| 09/18/2023 | | | ENTITY |