Jimmy Dillon

$1,416,766Total Contributions
$1,160,599Total Expenditures

This page displays the individual contributions made by these contributors to this candidate during the selected election cycle.

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$2,500.00 Gary Conover 03/28/2024OwnerCitadel ConstructionINDIVIDUAL
$2,500.00 Gasworkers Local #686 PAC 10/30/2024ENTITY
$2,500.00 Iuoe Local 542 PAC Fund 05/03/2024ENTITY
$2,500.00 Iuoe Local 542 PAC Fund 09/12/2024ENTITY
$2,500.00 Local 0401 Ironworkers PAC 12/19/2023ENTITY
$2,500.00 James J Anderson 02/16/2024ContractorSelfINDIVIDUAL
$2,500.00 James J Anderson 10/09/2024ContractorSelfINDIVIDUAL
$2,500.00 James Lewis Jr 10/12/2023Info RequestedInfo RequestedINDIVIDUAL
$2,500.00 James Ryan 10/12/2023Info RequestedInfo RequestedINDIVIDUAL
$2,500.00 John Reilly 09/12/2024PresidentJb RealtyINDIVIDUAL
$2,500.00 John Topper 09/12/2024FounderCity Centre GroupINDIVIDUAL
$2,500.00 Kennedy Democrats 05/02/2024ENTITY
$2,500.00 Local 0030 Comp Roofers Union PAC 10/12/2023ENTITY
$2,500.00 Local 0030 Comp Roofers Union PAC 12/19/2023ENTITY
$2,500.00 Michael J Perrucci 09/12/2024PartnerFlorio PerrucciINDIVIDUAL
$2,500.00 Nick Miller 09/12/2024ENTITY
$2,500.00 Nikil Saval 10/28/2024ENTITY
$2,500.00 Cement Masons & Plasterers Local 592 PAC 01/13/2023ENTITY
$2,500.00 Cement Masons & Plasterers Local 592 PAC 12/27/2023ENTITY
$2,500.00 Lawpac (PA Assoc for Justice) 10/12/2023ENTITY
$2,500.00 Lawpac (PA Assoc for Justice) 06/22/2024ENTITY
$2,500.00 Local 0690 Plumbers Union Pol Action Fund 07/20/2024ENTITY
$2,500.00 Protectingpa PAC 10/12/2023ENTITY
$2,500.00 Rebecca Greller 03/09/2024Information RequestedInformation RequestedINDIVIDUAL
$2,500.00 Reinforced Iron Workers Riggers & Machinery Movers Local Union #405 PAC 12/19/2023ENTITY