Pennsylvania Republican candidates and officeholders have raised $69.4 million during the 2022 election cycle. Among state House candidates and officeholders, Carrie DelRosso has raised more than any other Republican.
PA Leaders Action Fund
Pennsylvania Committee
$581,500Total Contributions
$587,340Total Expenditures
Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$450,000.00 | Students First PAC |
$50,000.00 | Roderick T Henkels |
$25,000.00 | Austin A Meehan |
$10,000.00 | Education Opportunity PAC |
$10,000.00 | Pennsylvania Future Fund |
$3,500.00 | Dave White |
$2,500.00 | Pilots Association for Bay & River De PAC |
$2,000.00 | Kevin Loftus |
$2,000.00 | Pennsylvania American Water PAC |
$1,800.00 | Albert D Hoffman |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$107,500.00 | Joe Hogan Campaign |
$95,000.00 | KC Tomlinson |
$79,000.00 | Laurens Group |
$60,000.00 | Dan Mcphillips |
$56,193.33 | Line Drive Public Affairs LLC |
$50,542.91 | Push Advocacy |
$49,634.70 | Rubix Strategies LLC |
$27,500.00 | Craig Williams |
$12,930.80 | Yap Atlas Strategies |
$7,314.47 | Avalon Yachet Club |
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