Pittsburgh Democratic Committee
Pennsylvania Committee
$12,396Total Contributions
$0Total Expenditures

This page displays the cumulative amount given by these contributors to this committee during the selected election cycle.

Total Contributions
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
$2,388.38 Kevin Quigley INDIVIDUAL
$1,062.50 Aggregated Unitemized Contributions INDIVIDUAL
$1,000.00 Jay Costa ENTITY
$1,000.00 Nancy Bernstein ENTITY
$750.00 Ellen Doyle ENTITY
$500.00 Committee to Elect Wayne Fontana ENTITY
$500.00 Dan Frankel PAC ENTITY
$500.00 Michael Lamb ENTITY
$350.00 Janet Lunde INDIVIDUAL
$350.00 Marlee Myers INDIVIDUAL
$300.00 Nathaniel Yap ENTITY
$250.00 Aerion Abney ENTITY
$250.00 Christine Milcarek ENTITY
$250.00 Jennifer Haven ENTITY
$250.00 Matt Richards ENTITY
$250.00 Megan Culig ENTITY
$200.00 Elisabeth Healey ENTITY
$125.00 Anna Fisher ENTITY
$125.00 Carol Williams ENTITY
$125.00 Jeanne Clark ENTITY
$125.00 Kate Lovelace ENTITY
$125.00 Naomi Siegel ENTITY
$125.00 Yael Silk ENTITY
$100.00 Alyssa Cowan ENTITY
$100.00 Amanda Godley ENTITY