Pennsylvania Committee
$82,511Total Contributions
$75,769Total Expenditures

This page displays the cumulative amount given by these contributors to this committee during the selected election cycle.

Total Contributions
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
$500.00 Scott Freda INDIVIDUAL
$500.00 Tayyib Smith INDIVIDUAL
$500.00 Terry Gillen INDIVIDUAL
$500.00 The Democracy Fund ENTITY
$500.00 Transit Workers Union Local 234 ENTITY
$500.00 Triad Strategies PA PAC ENTITY
$500.00 Wade Albert ENTITY
$500.00 Wendy Born INDIVIDUAL
$500.00 Wendy Meyer INDIVIDUAL
$450.00 Sandy Sheller ENTITY
$400.00 John Meyerson ENTITY
$400.00 Thomas Paine Cronin ENTITY
$380.00 Josh Uretsky ENTITY
$350.00 Erin Lamb ENTITY
$350.00 George Gould ENTITY
$350.00 John Lyons INDIVIDUAL
$350.00 Nancy Altemus ENTITY
$350.00 Sheila Ballen ENTITY
$340.00 Adam Waxman ENTITY
$300.00 Andrew Hoover ENTITY
$300.00 Brett Schaeffer INDIVIDUAL
$300.00 Frank DiCicco INDIVIDUAL
$300.00 Phillip Copley INDIVIDUAL
$250.00 Adam Butler ENTITY
$250.00 Amhp Holdings Corp PAC (Amerihealth Caritas PAC) ENTITY