Barsz Gowie Amon & Fultz LLC
$86,175Total Contributions
Also Known As

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Total Contributions
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$22,700.00 Gowie Amon & Fultz Barsz Chadds FordPA
$15,325.00 Barsz Gowie Amon Fultz & LLC MediaPABarsz Gowie Amon & Fultz LLC
$10,400.00 Barsz Gowie Amon & Fultz LLC MediaPA
$8,600.00 Barsz Gowie Amon & Fultz Chadds FordPA
$5,550.00 Barsz Gowie Amon & Fultz LLC Chadds FordPA
$5,050.00 Barsz Gowie Amon Fultz & LLC Chadds FordPABarsz Gowie Amon & Fultz LLC
$3,500.00 Merves Amon & Barsz MediaPA
$2,000.00 Merves Amon And Barsz LLC MediaPAMerves Amon and Barsz
$1,750.00 Merves Amon and Barsz LLC MediaPA
$1,600.00 Gowie Amon & Fultz LLC Barsz MediaPA
$1,500.00 Barsz Gowie Amon Fultz & LLC Chadds FordPASame
$1,200.00 Barsz Gowie Amon & Fultz Chadds FordPA
$1,000.00 Barsz Gowie Amon Fultz & LLC Chadds FordPABarsz Gowie Amon & Fultz LLC (Parternship)
$1,000.00 Merves Amon & Barsz LLC MediaPA
$1,000.00 Merves Amon & Barz LLC MediaPA
$1,000.00 Merves Amon Barsz & LLC MediaPAMerves Amon & Barsz
$1,000.00 Merves Amon Barsz & LLC MediaPAMerves Amon & Barsz LLC
$1,000.00 Merves Amos Barsz & LLC MediaPAMerves Amos & Barsz
$1,000.00 Mervesamonbarszllc MediaPAMervesamonbarszllc