Robert S Taylor
$126,530Total Contributions
Also Known As

This page displays other names, spellings, or aliases we have grouped together for this contributor.

Total Contributions
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$65,013.21 Robert S Taylor HarrisburgPASelf-Employed
$30,400.00 Robert Taylor HarrisburgPAJerfferson Fifthco LLC
$17,650.00 Robert S Taylor HarrisburgPARobert taylor/the Cameron Companies
$4,000.00 Robert S Taylor Esq HarrisburgPASelf Employed
$3,500.00 Robert Taylor S Esquire HarrisburgPASelf-Employed
$2,300.00 Robert Taylor HarrisburgPAAttorney
$1,350.00 Robert Taylor Esq HarrisburgPAThe Cameron Companis
$750.00 Robert Taylor Esq HarrisburgPACameron Com[anies LLC
$500.00 Robert S Taylor Esq HarrisburgPAThe Cameron Companies
$500.00 Taylor Robert S (Lob) HarrisburgPA
$350.00 Robert S Taylor HarrisburgPAThe Camerson Companies
$217.13 Robert Taylor PhiladelphiaPAElectricians Local 98