Maggie M Dunham
$964Total Contributions
$1,880Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$353.18 | Cash App |
$300.00 | Millers Chapel |
$150.00 | Kenny Smith |
$50.00 | Toni Graves |
$40.00 | Pamela Ratcliff |
$25.00 | Verta Looper |
$20.00 | Porchea Little |
$15.00 | Brenda Allison |
$10.00 | Linda Bradley |
$1.00 | Jamesa Campbell |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$603.36 | South Carolina Democratic Party |
$373.69 | The Dillon Herald |
$318.25 | Maggie Dunham |
$197.53 | Office Depot / Office Max |
$150.00 | Actblue Technical Services |
$75.24 | Styles of Abstract Photography |
$75.00 | Freeman Mcleod |
$75.00 | Hometown Tv |
$12.00 | Dillon County Treasurer |
Top Loans
Amount | Lender |
$603.36 | The Palmetto Bank 2002 Loan |
$131.13 | The Palmetto Bank 2002 Loan |
$75.24 | The Palmetto Bank 2002 Loan |
$50.00 | The Palmetto Bank 2002 Loan |
$43.85 | The Palmetto Bank 2002 Loan |
$12.00 | The Palmetto Bank 2002 Loan |
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