Stetson Corbitt
$3,528Total Contributions
$3,442Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$1,000.00 | Jim Drew |
$990.00 | Na Const Party |
$500.00 | Barry Layman |
$385.00 | Na Constitution Party |
$250.00 | Steve Donohue |
$150.00 | Selwyn Godbee |
$100.00 | Elizabeth Keller |
$100.00 | Willaim Scott |
$50.00 | Gary Street |
$2.47 | Srpfcu Bank |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$990.00 | Na Const Party |
$721.22 | Printsonthecheap |
$528.00 | Aiken Standard |
$511.72 | North Augusta Rep Party |
$385.00 | Na Constitution Party |
$127.44 | Amazon Marketplace |
$110.99 | |
$68.04 | Quality Printing and Graphics |
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