$9,216Total Contributions
$9,216Total Expenditures

This page displays the cumulative amounts paid to these persons and organizations by this committee.

View By:
Total Expenditures
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
$4,783.93 Total Solutions and Logistics Corp ENTITY
$2,496.72 South Carolina Democratic Party ENTITY
$540.00 Elpisynergy Enterprises Inc ENTITY
$514.07 Thomas Supply Inc ENTITY
$400.00 Ronnie Sanders ENTITY
$187.50 Miko Pickett ENTITY
$152.04 Walmart Inc ENTITY
$100.00 Jackie Mcgill ENTITY
$36.23 Hi-Tec Signs ENTITY
$5.51 Office Depot Officemax ENTITY