Casey Polhemus
$400Cash on Hand
$850Total Contributions
$81,438Total Expenditures
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Financial Activity
Top Contributors
Total Contributions | Name |
$500.00 | Chuck Smith |
$250.00 | James Cantwell |
$100.00 | Briley & Briley |
Top Payees
Total Expenditures | Payee |
$42,160.21 | GII AD GROUP |
$25,759.60 | Action Printing |
$9,600.00 | Mike Stevens |
$2,265.36 | Gii ad Group |
$503.36 | Say Anything Designs |
$500.00 | Bowie News |
$150.00 | University Kiwanis Club |
$145.00 | Bowie Chamber of Commerce |
$114.07 | Walmart Stores Inc |
$85.00 | Brad Sherman |
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