Janis Holt
Texas House of Representatives District 18
$17,017Cash on Hand
$922,121Total Contributions
$181,180Total Expenditures

This page displays the cumulative amount given by these contributors to this candidate during the selected election cycle.

Total Contributions
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
(Click to sort ascending)
$708,192.20 Greg Abbott ENTITY
$84,000.00 Family Empowerment Coalition PAC ENTITY
$25,000.00 Texans for Lawsuit Reform PAC ENTITY
$16,000.00 Texans United for a Conservative Majority PAC ENTITY
$7,500.00 HillCo PAC ENTITY
$7,083.65 Arthur S and Charissa Arizpe INDIVIDUAL
$4,616.19 Dan Patrick ENTITY
$3,500.00 Vance Howard INDIVIDUAL
$3,000.00 Gary Gates Jr ENTITY
$2,500.00 Wirt Yerger INDIVIDUAL
$2,083.96 Lisa Roper INDIVIDUAL
$2,000.00 Texas Land Title Association PAC ENTITY
$2,000.00 Wine and Spirits Wholesalers of Texas Political Action COMMITTEE ENTITY
$1,500.00 Conservative Republicans of Texas ENTITY
$1,500.00 Richard Weekley INDIVIDUAL
$1,200.00 Rex Gore INDIVIDUAL
$1,070.00 Monty Picard INDIVIDUAL
$1,042.30 Sue Cleveland INDIVIDUAL
$1,041.98 Jennifer Lee INDIVIDUAL
$1,041.98 Marcus Goering INDIVIDUAL
$1,000.00 Alabama Coushatta Tribe of Texas ENTITY
$1,000.00 Allen Boone Humphries Robinson LLP - Lobbyist ENTITY
$1,000.00 Arlene Smart INDIVIDUAL
$1,000.00 Charter Schools Now PAC ENTITY
$1,000.00 Coats Rose PAC ENTITY