John W Mcqueeney
Texas House of Representatives District 97
$209,980Cash on Hand
$2,751,006Total Contributions
$938,928Total Expenditures

This page displays the individual contributions made by these contributors to this candidate during the selected election cycle.

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$500.00 Kriss Myers 12/29/2023Physician121 MDINDIVIDUAL
$500.00 Laura Casey 01/26/2024Owner/operatorLaurajo CorporationINDIVIDUAL
$500.00 Lea Payne 10/01/2024RetiredRetiredINDIVIDUAL
$500.00 Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson LLP 09/26/2024ENTITY
$500.00 Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson LLP 12/06/2024ENTITY
$500.00 Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell LLP 11/26/2024ENTITY
$500.00 Maria Salazar 01/10/2024FranchiseeMcdonaldsINDIVIDUAL
$500.00 Mark Edward Van Es 09/24/2024InvestmentsSelfINDIVIDUAL
$500.00 Mark Genis 01/02/2024CFOMark GenisINDIVIDUAL
$500.00 Martin Davis 03/08/2024PresidentM Davis Management CoINDIVIDUAL
$500.00 Matthew Kades 12/30/2023PresidentKades Ventures CorpINDIVIDUAL
$500.00 Michael McCoy 02/01/2024BankerBankINDIVIDUAL
$500.00 Michael Patyk 01/08/2024CPARhodes Osiek Patyk & CoINDIVIDUAL
$500.00 Minnehan Operating Inc 01/03/2024ENTITY
$500.00 Ned Stagg 01/08/2024RestauranteurSrllcINDIVIDUAL
$500.00 Nelson Nease 11/15/2024PartnerCross Oak GroupINDIVIDUAL
$500.00 Pape-Dawson Engineers Political Action Committee 09/26/2024ENTITY
$500.00 Paul Godwin 01/05/2024RetiredRetiredINDIVIDUAL
$500.00 Paul Godwin 09/26/2024RetiredRetiredINDIVIDUAL
$500.00 Paula Cabluck Day 03/28/2024RetiredRetiredINDIVIDUAL
$500.00 Paxton Motheral 04/05/2024Real EstateCassco Management CoINDIVIDUAL
$500.00 Peter Thompson 12/31/2023Commercial BankingWafd BankINDIVIDUAL
$500.00 Richard Hogan 04/03/2024COOMcdonaldsINDIVIDUAL
$500.00 Richey Neeson 09/30/2024Real Estate4n InvestmentsINDIVIDUAL
$500.00 Robert Wezeman 09/05/2024OwnerSelfINDIVIDUAL